Dear all,

Recently i have discovered, that _opening_ a very rudimentary MIF 
file, such as the one hereafter, FM magically creates a nearly full 
document environment - only a text frame on the body page is missing. 

The open document displays a full set of catalogues, masterpage Right 
and even a Reference page with the 'standard' elements. 

Where does FM take these defintions from?

Klaus Daube

--- sample MIF -----------------------------------------------
<MIFFile 7.00> # Generated by FrameMaker 7.2p158
# Arrow style "rhombus filled"
  <Pen 0>
  <PenWidth  0.2 mm>
  <HeadCap Square>
  <HeadCap ArrowHead>
  <TailCap Square>
   <TipAngle 45>
   <BaseAngle 135>
   <Length  8.0 pt>
   <HeadType Filled>
   <ScaleHead Yes>
   <ScaleFactor  0.25 pt>
  > # end of ArrowStyle
  <NumPoints 2>
  <Point  10 cm 0.5 cm>
  <Point  16 cm 0.5 cm>
 > # end of PolyLine
# End of MIFFile
Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
Phone:  +41-44-422 86 25  FAX: +41-44-422 82 78
E-mail: ddd at     Web:

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