Why does he/she want 2x A5 with print marks on an A3?

If your client wants this printed (why else the print marks) just have
the print shop do this. No problem for them, and probably no or little
extra cost.

If you really want to do this as your client suggests, just print to
ps (file) from FM scaling it to 70.7% (which is the scaling between
the DIN sizes, e.g.: 210mm/297mm=0.70707070) selecting A4 as the pdf
page size and selecting print marks (Western). Distill and you get A5
with printmarks on A4. Print from Acrobat 2 up on A3.

Is this what you were thinking about?


On 4/4/07, mathieu jacquet <bobitch at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> a client created a document in A4 format with Framemaker.
> Now he wants to have it printed in A5 format (without any change in
> FrameMaker). So he wants a high quality pdf with 2 (default FM A4) pages
> juxtaposed on a (output pdf) A3 sheet, with trim marks (call them "swallows
> in French, same thing in English?).
> My problem is that when I generate my pdf, it comes out with the two A4
> pages juxtaposed on a A3 sheet, but with trim marks ALL AROUND EACH A4 page,
> which is normal since the FM default page format is A4.
> Is it possible to have trim marks only around the outer edges of the 2 A4
> taken together (no trim mark in between)?
> Thank you,
> Mathieu.
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