So today I received Frame 8 so I installed it on my test machine with
ePub 9.2 to test compatibility. Despite Quadralay claiming they are not
compatible, I didn't believe it based on something a Quadralay employee
let slip.

Test Conditions:
Frame 8 Unstructured (file had conditions and x-refs)
ePub 9.2
Creating *.chm file

1. I installed both apps.
2. I copied a Frame 7 book, files and images over to my test machine.
3. Opened them up in Frame 8 so Frame 8 would up-rev them.
4. Saved in Frame 8 as Frame 8 files.
5. Opened ePub 9.2.
6. Created new project.
7. Scanned docs.
8. Mapped TOC styles and page break priority.
9. Saved project.
10. Scanned docs again.
11. Generated help file.

Voila! I have a help file. No problem. X-refs work, conditions work,
everything works.

So I don't see any reason to upgrade. It's possible if you make other
kinds of help or use structured Frame you may have to, but so far,
everything's working fine. 

Hmmm, not to be cynical but, seems like Quadralay is telling us Frame 8
and ePub 9.2 are not compatible to get us to pay for an upgrade. But, of
course, I am not cynical!

Thank you,

<mailto:gflato at> 

Gillian Flato

Technical Writer (Software)


1550 Buckeye Dr. 

Milpitas, CA. 95035


7  408.232.5911

* gflato at nanometrics <mailto:gflato at> .com
<blocked::mailto:v at> 

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