Hello (structured) Framers,

one of my customers has the following problem:

He has a structured FrameMaker 7.0 file which looks like this:

<S><Title>Product Description</Title><I>

The <S> element is a section and has to become a PDF bookmark.
The <I> element is an inline element for index markers. The index marker
text in the above example is "Product Description".

We generate a PDF and tell FrameMaker (in PDF Setup) to include the element
<S> as bookmark, and NOT the <I> element.

The PDF bookmark, however, looks like this: 2.1 Product DescriptionProduct

When I generate the PDF from Frame 7.2, however, the bookmarks are fine: "
2.1 Product Description".

This makes me conclude that it's a Frame 7.0 bug. However, upgrading to FM
7.2 is difficult for the time being. Is there a workaround in FM 7.0?

Thanks in advance.

Yves Barbion
Documentation Architect
Adobe-Certified FrameMaker Instructor

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