I would say this all depends you your audience and who you are making
the documents for. Best start is to ask questions like you have done
here. I did a presentation on FM a couple of years ago, really an
introduction to FM where the audience was prospective writers and the
heads of the departments involved. I started with the general
questions about why we are writing and for whom and what are the
"duties" of the writers and layout people, namely to convey the
information involved as simply and clearly as possible, so that the
reader will gather all the information in the shortest possible time.


On 2/15/07, Roopa Belur <rbelur at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Framers,
>   The Publications team in our company is planning on a company-wide spree to 
> introduce (in some cases, re-introduce) ourselves, and briefly enlighten the 
> key groups in our company on:
>   - What is Publications
> - Why we document
>   - How we document
>   - Who is our audience
>   As I am leading the effort for this promotion, I need your help in:
>   - Have you all done anything similar
>   - If yes, how often do you give presentations
>   - What do you cover
>   - What is the best way to introduce Tools/processes
>   I want to start the session with an interactive technical writing task, so 
> people have context to the PPT presentation. What are some of the good 
> exercises to target for a mixed audience of developers, Support, Operations, 
> and product managers?
>   Any ideas/suggestions/comments/websites will help.
> Rgds,
> Roopa Belur
> "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
> Sir Winston Churchill
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