You're describing the "markers from keywords" method. Basically, you
define the text term and the corresponding marker text in a table and
turn the program loose. Instant index.

With that as your method to generate markers, you need to build your
tables. For this, you may want to look at "markers from heads" to get
the table started and then edit it as you wish. If you have manually
entered markers already, you can also collect and incorporate those
into your table...


On 1/4/07, John Posada <jposada01 at> wrote:
> Hi, guys...this will be the first time I'm using IXgen to generate a
> set of index sections. Let me know if what I want to do is
> unreasonable.
> My document set contains about eight book, with four of them over (or
> close to over) 200 pages. I want to generate an index for each
> book...don't worry, I don't want a master index (at least not yet).
> However, I want to apply the same list of words and phrases against
> each book.
> What I envision is to index each book, then merge the words and
> phrases into one master list. When it comes time to gen the index,
> use the same list for each book.
> This sound reasonable? I'm going to be studying the manual. However,
> in the mean time, can someone give me a very highlevel description of
> how I'll approach this?
> Thanks
> John Posada
> Senior Technical Writer
> "I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never 
> actually known what the question is."
> _______________________________________________

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                             No disclaimers apply.
                                     DoD 358

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