Greg Thompson wrote:

> My current client wants me to provide them with output from the Frame
> guide I created for them in a format they can edit, not using Frame.
> Then they want to be able to re-publish these files (again, not using
> Frame) and have them look the same way they looked when I created
> them in Frame.

So they have specified which application they don't wish to use, but not 
which one they will use? Under those circumstances, you'd be justified 
in delivering the data as XML and leaving it to them to sort out how to 
format it. Data interchange between applications is a fundamental 
feature of XML - in fact "XML shall support a wide variety of 
applications" is design goal number 2 in the W3C recommendation (the W3C 
equivalent of a standard).

> I know I can save Frame files as html, xml, text, or rtf and edit them. But
> I doubt that I can republish them and have them look like they did in Frame
> without using Frame.

Need you concern yourself with that? Surely if they haven't gone to the 
trouble of specifying what application they intend to use, they can't 
hold you responsible for supporting it? Give them XML and let them worry 
about reproducing the layout. They'll be back once they've had a lie 
down and a good think about it...


Marcus Carr                      email:  mcarr at
Allette Systems (Australia)      www:
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
        - Einstein

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