I have 10 Adobe Technical Communication t-shirts left (all XL size).  
If you'd like one, here's all you have to do.

Send us a link to a useful technical writing tool (something useful  
to many if not all tech writers; tools that save time or automate  
manual tasks) that we should include on TheContentWrangler.com.  
Include the name of the tool, a basic description, and a link to the  
website where the tool is located. Also, include your snail mail  

The best ten submissions selected will receive a t-shirt!

Send your submission to: abelsp at netdirect.net

Best of luck,

Scott Abel
The Content Wrangler, Inc.
6178 Crittenden Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220 USA
+1 317-466-1840
skype: abelsp
email: abelsp at netdirect.net
web: http://www.thecontentwrangler.com

APR 18-21, 2007 ~ Vancouver BC
Learn more: http://www.doctrain.com

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