Thanks Dov,
I noticed this instability. Don't know if I should switch back to 6.0.
On Global conversion in 7. I'll try this one. Might solve my problem.

>From: "Dov Isaacs" <isaacs at>
>To: "Michael Zaichenko" <biozaichenko at>,        
><framers at>
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:34:41 -0800
>Given that the only variable appears to be Pitstop 6
>versus Pitstop 7, maybe you should contact Enfocus'
>tech support or post on their user forums.
>(FWIW, my experience is that Pitstop 7 is not quite
>as stable as Pitstop 6.)
>Note that Acrobat Pro (7 or 8) does contain an option
>for global color conversion (such as RGB to grayscale)
>on a page or document basis.
>       - Dov
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Michael Zaichenko
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:28 AM
> > To: framers at
> > Subject: GRAY BOXES IN PDF
> >
> > Hi there,
> > FM 7.1 Win XP SP2, Acrobat 7.0 Pitstop 7.0.
> > I'm making a PDF file from FM file that contains TIFF images
> > (bitmap) RGB equivalent (Black and white). When converting to
> > Gray in Acrobat with Pitstop a gray box appears around the
> > art. Though it is possible to remove the box it is not
> > optimum. Box is 98.8% Gray.
> > This problem didn't exist with Pitstop 6.
> > I'm using Acrobat Distiller 6.0. TIFF image is 600 dpi.
> > Distiller setting is 300 dpi if this matters.
> > Did anyone come across such a thing?
> > Michael

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