
You wrote:

>I'm currently using the trial version of Acrobat 3D, version 8.0. I'd like
>to know the different ways to import a dynamic 3D file from the 3D Toolkit
>to my source FrameMaker document. Also, once I generate my PDF document,
>will the 3D model retain all of its dynamic features? Furthermore, any other
>advice you may have for a first-time Acrobat 3D user would be greatly

In addition to Alan Houser's reply, relating to the next version of FrameMaker:

3D Assistant (TimeSavers add-on) enables you to embed U3D files and define 
related views, links, bookmarks & JavaScript (including custom 
interactivity, menus and tools) through hypertext markers or referenced 
files, so that interactive 3D models, together with their specified 
features, are automatically present in the PDF file upon distilling.

Sample 3D-PDF files demonstrating capabilities and concepts are available 
at http://www.microtype.com/Showcase3DAsst.html
(all files authored in FM, no post-distilling steps taken in Acrobat).

This solution applies to all FrameMaker/Windows versions + Distiller 7 or 
higher + TimeSavers 4 or higher (with Distiller 8.1, PRC 3D files are 
supported in addition to U3D)

Shlomo Perets

MicroType, http://www.microtype.com * ToolbarPlus Express for FrameMaker
FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat 
FM-to-PDF Assistants: Navigation, Form, Presentation, Multimedia & 3D

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