At 10:28 -0400 24/5/07, Rick Quatro wrote:

>I am trying to figure out how attribute-based Running H/F variables work. Here 
>is are examples of a couple in a document I have:
>I assume that the first is looking for the value of the Booktitle attribute on 
>the book element, and the second is looking for the value of the Revision 
>element on the book element. Is this correct?

Yes. According to Sheila Loring, 'FrameMaker 7 Complete Reference', page 239 
(which carries a misprint, so I'm trying to interpret here), the syntax is 
<$attribute[[attribute:element]>. See also $highchoice<> and $lowchoice<> 
building blocks, which select the highest and lowest of an attribute range. The 
syntax is <$highchoice[attribute:element]> or just <$highchoice[attrbute]>.

>Also, I notice something about attribute-based Running H/F building blocks 
>that differs from paragraph- and marker-based building blocks: the document I 
>am look at doesn't have a book element, but it still displays the value. In 
>fact, I don't even have the book file where I assume the book element 
>originates. Does this sound right? Thanks.

I don't know, because I've not tried this. Search in the MIF to see where it 
might be coming from? Or maybe it's a bug: this sounds like the sort of dark 
corner where oddities could lurk undetected.


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