
Our printed manuals have a two column layout in FrameMaker. When we
create tables in this layout, we specify the column widths so that the
overall width of the table doesn't exceed the width of the column it is
in. This method works fine for the printed manual. However, when we
import the Framemaker file into MadCap Flare, the column widths remain
the same as the were in FM; unlike the surrounding text, whose margins
expand to fit the size of the Help window. This means that the text in
the columns appears smashed (horizontally) compared to the surrounding

Is there a way to configure table column widths in either FrameMaker or
Flare so that, when the document is imported into Flare, the table
expands to the width of the surrounding text?

Jon Harvey

Manager, Desktop Documentation

CambridgeSoft Corporation

100 CambridgePark Drive

Cambridge, MA 02140

(617) 588-9354

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