Dear FramerUsers

Is anyone aware of an issue that could cause character transposition when 
moving FrameMaker documents containing FrameMaker equations from one platform 
[Windows] to another [Mac]? Some embedded equations have suffered the following 
character transpositions:

. Summation symbols are replaced by an inverted 'V'

. Dot product symbol is replaced by a question mark

. Subscripted equals is replaced by a '5'.

. ? (pi) symbol is replaced by a 'p'

. '+' symbol is replaced by '1'

There may also be other substitutions I have not noticed. Clearly this does not 
help the readability of the equations much.

I have always been under the impression that FrameMaker used the same font 
[Symbol] for equations across all platforms. I have certainly never seen 
anything like this before, and I've worked on books with *lots* of equations in 
the past.

As far as I am aware, the originator of the documents is not using FrameMaker 
8, but beyond that I'm not sure what version he's using yet, although I've 
asked several times.


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