Hi, Steve:

Have you tried applying Fill > None to the number graphic in FM? This may
work when the graphics are not grouped, and may fail when they are grouped.
It's worth a try.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On 9/12/07, Steve Rickaby <srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> FrameMaker 7.0, Mac, Illustrator CS2
> I have a chapter opener decorative EPS which is about a 4.5 MB Illustrator
> file and is imported onto the chapter opener master page. Because of
> FrameMaker's paucity of text effects, the simplest way to implement the
> required design [a 180 point reversed-out chapter number with a drop shadow]
> seems to be to overlay the chapter number(s) on the decorative graphic in
> Illustrator, which demands a different chapter opener graphic, and so master
> page, for each chapter and appendix. This is neither elegant nor
> space-efficient.
> If I overlay the chapter number on the graphic in Illustrator and import
> it into FrameMaker by reference, it looks great. However, to save space, I
> thought it ought to be possible to create the chapter numbers separately and
> overlay them onto the decorative background in FrameMaker [one 4.5 MB
> background file instead of 27 of them]. When I do this, though, the chapter
> number EPS appears in a white frame that not only obliterates the underlying
> decorative EPS, but, startlingly, causes text on the body pages to wrap to
> avoid it. This occurs even when the fill of the number graphic is set to
> none in Illustrator, and is unaffected by grouping of the two graphics and
> moving them to the back relative to the text frames.
> I appreciate that all I am seeing in FrameMaker are the EPS previews, but
> the same is true of actual PDFs created from the document..
> Why it this, and is there a way around it?
> --
> Steve
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