I have a challenge with autonumbering, and can't recall the solution. (Ran into 
this unusual numbering style some years ago.) I am trying to get a complex 
autonumbering sequence to work in unstructured FM7.2 on Windows.

I'm assisting a customer with a template that requires the following numbered 
paragraphs to occur w/in one document:

Step 10: How to rinse the sink
<body text>
Step 20: How to dry the sink
Table 20.a
Table 20.b
Figure 20.a
Step 30: How to fill the sink
<body text>
Figure 30.a

In other words, both Table Title and Figure Title have to inherit their primary 
number from the "Step". The problem is how to maintain a separate number stream 
for Tables and Figures that will let them number sequentially, and not be 
affected by one another.

Here are my para number definitions:
Step = S:Step <n+>0: 
Table = S:Table <n>0.<a+>
Figure = S:Figure <n>0.<a+>

When mixing Figures and Tables I get results like these:
Step 10:  
Figure 10.a   
Figure 10.b    
Figure 10.c    
Table 10.d 
Step 20:

... The "Table" needs to number at "Table 10.a" 

I thought of using <$chapnum> for the primary <n+> in the "Step" para, but 
<$chapnum> will not number sequentially w/in the same document. Using the 
following definitions works for one "Step 10:" but there is no way to have 
"Step 20:" number sequentially:
Step = S:Step <$chapnum>0: 
Table = F:Figure <$chapnum>0.<a+>
Figure = T:Table <$chapnum>0.<a+>

These definitions produce the following results:
Step 10:  
Figure 10.a   
Figure 10.b    
Figure 10.c    
Table 10.a
Step 10:

FYI -- this document does not require or use a conventional numbered chapter 

Can anyone out there think of an autonumbering pattern in FrameMaker (7.2) that 
will work for the sequence I describe at the beginning of my email? Any and all 
advice welcomed.

Maxwell Hoffmann/ENLASO
(805) 807-0853

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