If you have RoboHelp 7 (not sure about earlier), it includes RoboScreenCapture.

There's also donationware MWsnap3 from http://www.mirekw.com/. It has
an option to add a cursor - you can choose from a large variety - at
any location in captured image,  before you save it.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Stuart Rogers
<srogers at phoenix-geophysics.com> wrote:
> Flato, Gillian wrote:
>  > Does anyone know how to take a screenshot so that the screenshot
>  > includes the mouse and where it's pointing to?
>  >
>  Most screencap software (e.g., SnagIt) has a setting that will capture
>  the pointer (also menus and submenus).  Alt-PrtScr will not capture the
>  pointer, AFAIK.

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