And if you use a good text editor, you could search and replace on multiple MIF 
files at once. Very carefully, after backing them up first.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> "Peter Gold" <peter at> 2/02/08 11:37 >>>
Hi, Susan:

Have you tried saving files as MIF, opening in a text editor, then
deleting the unwanted master page definitions C*A*R*E*F*U*L*L*Y,
saving and reopening in FM?

In addition to MIF2GO for converting FM files to MIF, DTP Tools has a
free FM2MIF plug-in that can convert whole directories (and their
subdirectories) of FM files to MIF fast.

On Feb 1, 2008 4:06 PM,  <susan.mcdonald at> wrote:
> Using Frame 7.0 on Windows XP Pro.
> I am in the process of simplifying documents that are based on a template
> we did not develop. One way I'm trying to simplify is by reducing the
> number of master pages from the current 40+ to the 2-3 that we use.
> I have over 200 files to update, and would really rather not delete
> individual master pages from each file, if I can avoid it.
> (Yes, had we had time to think this over more clearly when we started work
> on these documents, we wouldn't be in this pickle. But, when we inherited
> these documents, there was no room in the schedule for tidying up, so we
> took the files and ran with them.)
> Does anyone know of a way to delete a range of master pages from a file?
> Thanks!
> Susan McDonald, Technical Writer
> Teradyne, Inc.
> susan.mcdonald at 


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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