Thanks, Rick. 

Any recommendation on a text editor? I don't think I have anything other
than Notepad installed currently, as I don't use text editors a lot. 

Linda G. Gallagher
TechCom Plus, LLC
lindag at techcomplus dot com
303-450-9076 or 800-500-3144
User guides, online help, FrameMaker and
WebWorks ePublisher templates

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Henkel [] 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 7:15 PM
To: Linda G. Gallagher
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Archive searching and moving text inset files

Linda G. Gallagher wrote:
> Can you edit mif files to change the text inset paths? Any gotchas?

When we first moved from Word to Frame, I had several writers who kept 
moving or renaming their inset folders. So I had lots of practice 
editing MIF files to change inset paths. It was really pretty easy--much 
easier and less time consuming than re-importing.

It's been a while, so I don't remember the exact syntax for the paths. 
But I do remember that I found details in one of the Frame help PDF 
files. (I assume it was the MIF one.)

Rick Henkel

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