Yes, Shlomo is correct! Sorry!

        - Dov

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shlomo Perets [mailto:shlomo2 at]
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 4:38 AM
> Dov,
> You wrote:
> >... However, Acrobat 8 (both "Standard" and "Pro") allows a user to
> >enable a PDF file for shared review including users who only have
> >the free Reader 8.
> Shouldn't it be '(both "Pro" and "3D")'?   As far as I remember,
> Standard does not have the "Enable for Commenting in Adobe Reader"
> function (this is also indicated in the comparison between different
> Acrobat versions, )
> Shlomo Perets

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