RE: .ps files; pdf creation; crash logs; pilcrow end of flow marker issues

Dear Framers:
thanks to the excellent responses I am again a happy camper churning out the 
huge indexed pdfs I love (but nobody reads).

Here is a report back on what I found.

The end of flow marker appears to be my problem, a result of importing files 
from different sources, e.g. PageMaker, Word (many versions across the 
world) and WordPerfect five.

Word definitely causes a problem and Framemaker makes that end of flow 
marker into a symbol after the pilcrow (end of para marker) *on its own 
line* in the following form.

Script12BT font

Nothing seems to change that  "Default font" etc. all tried.

Penelope Perkins added a few helpful lines which suggests that I am not 
alone in the universe.

Penelope's help-
That said, being unable to change its tag is a
weirdness that occasionally visits Frame files for reasons unknown. I
used to have some with this same problem. This sometimes works: Save the
file as MIF and open it in a text editor. Go to the end of the file and
see if you can find a line containing "<PgfLocked Yes>". If so, change
the Yes to No, save the file in the text editor, then open it again in
Frame and try retagging that last paragraph with another para tag.
end of Penlope off list

Deleting the space before as suggested moves the problem to the previous 

Dumping some text before the end of flow marker worked sporadically.
Deleting the Body font and exiting also had some success.

The end of flow marker also occurs in every footnote. But no problems there, 

Thanks again

Prof. Robert C.-H. Shell
Commissioner of Truth and Justice for Mauritius
Extraordinary Professor of Historical Demography
University of the Western Cape
Courier address:
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
University of Western Cape
Modderdam Road
Western Cape
Republic of South Africa

Airmail address:
Prof. Robert C.-H. Shell
Room 3,23
Statistics department
New Science Building
Private Bag X17
Western Cape 7535
Republic of South Africa
E-mail addresses:
rshell at
rshell at
Fax: 021-959-2909 

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