Jim, I should have been more specific: all the tabs have "Continue From..."
checked. - JW

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Jim Owens <jowens at magma.ca> wrote:

> The Numbering Properties dialog is tabbed. If you have selected "Continue
> numbering from previous file in book", then you are on the "Chapter" tab.
> Try clicking the "Paragraph" tab and then selecting "Continue numbering from
> previous paragraph in book."
> Joel Wilhelm wrote:
>> I have a Book file and the tables and figures aren't continuing the flow
>> of
>> numbers in each individual file. The formats are:
>> T:Table <n+>.
>> C:Figure <n+>.
>> I have the Book file and each file within it set to "Continue Numbering
>> From
>> Previous File in Book."
>> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
>> JW
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