Chen, Loretta wrote: 

> We have a text insert in our Preface that starts with a H1. 
> Every time we update the insert in the Preface file, it 
> causes an extra blank H1 to appear in the file *after* the insert. 
> Is this just because our insert starts w/a H1? 

Yes, it's an annoying bug that's been discussed here many times. If the
text inset is imported into an empty pgf so that it "sits" adjacent to
the pilcrow (end of pgf marker), this "container" pgf takes on the
format of the first pgf in the text inset. 

Fixing this is simple: Separate the text inset from the pilcrow of its
container pgf. I use a non-breaking space so that there's a clearly
visible text symbol and I don't accidentally delete it. (You do have
View > Text Symbols turned on, right? Editing FM docs without being able
to see the text symbols is negligence, IMHO.)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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