Deirdre Reagan wrote:

> I'm getting the following error message when I run my book:
> Print setting for color Black is inconsistent.
> Print setting for color Cyan is inconsistent.
> Print setting for etc etc for nine more colors.
> I've run a help and I've gone through my printer settings.  I can't
> figure out what might be triggering the error message.

Art is correct, but with one clarification called for. You get these
error messages when FM encounters a file in the book that differs from
the first one. If your title page has screwed-up color definitions and
all the others are as they should be, you'll get error messages for each
of the other files. FM's just telling you "the definitions aren't
consistent with what came before." It's up to you to determine which
file has the definitions you want. Then import them from that file to
all the others. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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