quills at airmail.net wrote: 

> What is so terribly sad is that Adobe has never really shown that it
> understands what FrameMaker is for. They have always had their head
> firmly in the designer/graphics artist/page layout camp.

Hmm. Based on that interview excerpt, Warnock was firmly _not_ in the
designer/graphics artist/page layout camp. He was all about "highly
structured" long documents and said he loved FM. 

Adobe is a large organization. It doesn't have just one understanding
and one head. 

Are there lots of designer/artist types at Adobe? Sure. Do they have
lots of sway? Sure, probably just about in proportion to the percentage
of Adobe's revenue that their designer/artist-oriented software

Are there people at Adobe who understand what FM is for? Of course. Do
they have lots of sway? Um, well, probably just about in proportion to
the percentage of Adobe's revenue that FM produces. 

And that's the real issue, not lack of someone's understanding. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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