>At the very least, give us a list of keyboard commands for UI manipulation.

I found some commands in wincmds.cfg:

> (Toggle) Between open document tabs?

Ctrl-F6 (ShowNextKit) and Shift-Ctrl-F6 (ShowPrevKit)
There is still some bugginess, though. The commands worked always in with 
.FM files. Ctrl-F6 would cycle through the .FM files, then jump back to the 
first and cycle again. Shift-Ctrl-F6 did the same in reverse.

Book files, pods, and panels seem to want to work the same way, but as a 
conglomerate that is separate from the .FM files. That is, if one of them is 
the focus, Ctrl-F6 can cycle between them all, but skips the .FM files. This 
is where I found bugginess. The command would not jump to the Variables and 
locked up. This may be related to the bug that keeps one from using the 
Commands button in the Designer panels until the panel is first closed and 
reopened, or switched to another designer panel page. I noticed that closing 
and reopening the Variables pod made Ctrl-F6 work for it, too. When the 
command cycles to the Paragraph Designer, there is no flashing cursor to let 
you know.

> Between pages of the Designer dialogs?

I noticed that the tab key does that, but it includes all the fields in the 
currently displayed designer page as part of the cycle. So, depending on 
whether one of the panel page icons is active or a field in the dialogue, it 
may take quite a few tabs to move to a different designer panel page.

> (That new feature that toggles UI visibility is absolutely terrific!!  I
> would use it dozens of times a day!  ...but not if I have to use the
> wretched mouse.)

    Esc S M s for standard screen mode.
    Esc S M u for full screen with user interface.
    Esc S M f for full screen.
    Esc S M t to toggle screen mode.

Also these:

   Esc T S A (ToolBarShowAll)
   Esc T H A (ToolBarHideAll)

Mike Wickham

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