I've got a challenge at work I've been asked to work on:

Starting with a Word document of about 1000 pages 
(don't ask; I didn't do it) and 2187 graphics 
(again, not my fault!), we want to turn this into 
a working FM 7.x document that has the graphics 
no longer embedded and instead stored off in a 
graphics directory of some kind and linked at the 
appropriate places in the Frame 
document.  There's not always an associated 
figure caption, so naming of the graphics is 
going to have to be something pretty arbitrary 
(even if it?s only
 a page number from the Word document or something).

For the obvious reasons, including the writer who 
has to work on this possibly beating himself to 
unconsciousness with his keyboard, I'd like to 
automate as much of this process for him as 
possible.  I haven't done any huge imports like 
this before and the question of how to extract 
the embedded graphics and replace them with a 
link is not something I've dealth with 
before.  Is this best done BEFORE the import 
(using, say, a Word macro or manipulating the RTF 
file), AFTER the import (using a FrameScript or 
some sequence of find/replaces on the MIF file), or via some other mechanism?

Many thanks!

Yours truly,

John Hedtke
Author/Consultant/Contract Writer
www.hedtke.com <-- website
541-685-5000 (office landline)
541-554-2189 (cell)
john at hedtke.com (primary email)
johnhedtke at aol.com (secondary email)  

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