Ben Hechter wrote: 

> Can't figure this one out, so I need some collective wisdom on
> cross-references that keep reappearing like Banquo's ghost.

It could be hidden conditional text, as Shmuel suggested. More likely,
it's the same problem that prevented Susan Curtzwiler's book from

To resolve the cross-references in a book whose files are closed, FM has
to silently open them in the background. Missing fonts, graphics, etc.
-- anything that normally opens a warning dialog that you have to
acknowledge or act upon -- prevent FM from opening the file in the
background. Thus the xrefs to that file are "unresolved" -- meaning
"could not be confirmed."

The long-term solution is to remove the problem that keeps the file(s)
from opening in the background, but in the short term, you can do what I
suggested to her -- open all the files in the book, acknowledging any
error messages that pop up. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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