
That's not fully correct. You can do either of
the following:
o Deactivate "Generate Acrobat Data" as Linda said.
o Or you can have "Generate Acrobat Data" activated and
  set the margins to 0 in Acrobat in "Document | Crop Pages".
  This way you do not need to create 2 PDF files out of

Best regards


> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
> [mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of 
> Linda G. Gallagher
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 6:16 PM
> To: 'Fred Ridder'; peter at knowhowpro.com
> Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: RE: Missing registration marks
> I've not followed this whole thread, so maybe someone has 
> covered this, but
> you also need to deselect the Generate Acrobat Data option in 
> the FM print
> dialog. 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Linda G. Gallagher
> TechCom Plus, LLC
> lindag at techcomplus dot com
> www.techcomplus.com
> 303-450-9076 or 800-500-3144
> User guides, online help, FrameMaker and
> WebWorks ePublisher templates
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> RMIMA Membership Manager
> www.RMIMA.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Fred Ridder
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 9:18 AM
> To: peter at knowhowpro.com
> Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: RE: Missing registration marks
> Peter Gold wrote:
> > The paper size has to be "larger enough" than the page size 
> to display
> > the marks. IOW, a slightly-larger paper size may not have 
> enough room
> > for the marks. Try a tabloid or larger paper size.
> Absolutely correct. But the paper size only needs to be 1" 
> larger in each
> dimension than the page size. According to Linda's last post, 
> there should
> be plenty of room. She reported a page size of 5.827" by 8.268" being
> printed to letter-size paper, which is an oversize of 2.673" 
> in width and
> 2.732" in height. So this doesn't look like the problem, either.
> -Fred Ridder

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