Let's see...

7 File Info fields

User variables

User-defined markers

Conditional text

Reference pages

Placeholder text frames on master pages


-Fred Ridder

> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 18:51:35 -0400
> Subject: Unstructured FrameMaker: Metadata
> From: ecidade at zoominternet.net
> Good evening 
> Am looking for an exchange of ideas regarding unstructured
> FrameMaker and Metadata. In use: FrameMaker 8.0p277 
> As I see it, the only source of metadata in the unstructured
> environment is the File>>>File Info (which is already in use). 
> Does anyone know of alternate methods for including additional
> Metadata in an unstructured FrameMaker document? 
> Just exploring other avenues....livin' large and lovin' it. 
> From Forest Hills, NY 
> Eduardo
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