I think any method you choose depends on having one known-good file
that you can use as a template for the others. It may be a true
template or one of the chapters, but it should exist so you can clone
it to the others and enforce consistency. Depending on the version of
FM that you're running (you should provide that information, and your
OS, when you post).

There are a couple of methods you can use to reconcile the tags and
other styles -- tables, colors and so on. I'd recommend the Clean
Import plugin because it removes all existing styles from all catalogs
and then pulls in the set from your template file. Simply importing
formats will add the "good" tags to the existing ones but not remove
what's there.

At that point you need to apply your good tags to the content in the
files if there's a difference in tag names and remove any manual
over-rides. There are several other tools that can help with that,
although you can often just work with the Global commands in the
paragraph and character designer tools.


Art Campbell
               art.campbell at gmail.com
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Karen Robbins<karendesign at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Frame Gurus,
> I'm rather new to the list so please bear with me.
> I have a book containing 12 files. Over time (starting before I ever
> worked with these files), each file's paragraph style sheet has been
> modified so that now the book's styles are a sea of inconsistency.
> Using Paragraph Tools I can reduce the mess to what's actually in use
> and eliminate what I don't need. I still need to re-name/spec what
> remains more consistently.
> To get one file's formats into another, I know I could import
> paragraph formats to individual files. But I would have to re-create
> all the formats in one document first (even though they already
> exist, spread throughout several documents). Will this give the same
> result as if a single merged style sheet had been applied to all
> files in the book? Is there another (more
> effective/efficient/reliable) way?
> Anticipating your wisdom....
> Karen
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