Hi Bernard,

PTC/Arbortext Epic's latest version is named Arbortext Editor. Adding
"Arbortext Editor" to any searches you are performing, any requests you are
sending, etc. may help you in your search. (PTC purchased Arbortext a while
ago, but its users and gurus largely still refer to the products by their
Arbortext moniker.)

I will pass this on to people I know in that world.

FWIW: The PTC/User conference, which attracts many, many Arbortext
developers, is coming in June 7-10 2009 in Orlando, FL, USA. You may be able
to leverage that convergence of people in your search somehow.

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Bernard Aschwanden (Publishing Smarter) <
bernard at publishingsmarter.com> wrote:

> Hi to all:
> I've been asked by a business partner to find a person who knows the PTC
> Epic side of things inside and out. Someone who can do API development work
> and is available to work on an interesting project to connect a CMS into
> Epic.
> If you know of anyone who can do this, please let me know offlist. Email
> directly to me and I'll follow up as soon as possible.
> Thanks to all,
> Bernard
> Bernard Aschwanden
> President
> Publishing Smarter
> www.publishingsmarter.com

Paul Nagai

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