
It's entirely possible that I screwed this up on my own (not that my LSP hasn't 
been known to make a mistake - this time I had to ask for 4 files to be 
regenerated as they were a mix of English and Spanish!). When I get a moment 
I'll delve into VSS to look at the original file they sent and check it out.

As I said to Richard, Rick Quattro figured this out for me so everything is now 
working as it should be.

Thanks for your input. The people on this list have been extremely helpful - I 
try and keep up with the topics every day and make sure to follow any thread 
that sheds light on issues that might affect me as well.


Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
Fax: (604) 279-8559
E-mail: alison.craig at<mailto:alison.craig at>

From: Art Campbell []
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:33 AM
To: Alison Craig
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Problems Generating TOC on Newly Translated File

I'm on the same page as Richard on this, but with a couple of twists....

The most important one would be HOW the translation vendor was able to generate 
any kind of TOC. Part of the deal is usually that you receive working files 
back from the vendor, and it certainly sounds as if you didn't. So that would 
be the big one. And one that may save you some time and money.

To fix it...
First, I'd make a copy of the unmodified translated directory.
Assuming they didn't rename any of your tags... I'd try importing formats and 
Ref pages from a working TOC into the faulty TOC and then update to see what 
you get. This is a version of what Richard suggested, but I'd try updating 
first to see if you can avoid the micro-level troubleshooting.

If that fails, I'd try setting up the translated content files in a new book, 
and generate a new TOC.


Art Campbell                                                                    
      art.campbell at<mailto:art.campbell at>
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and a 
redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers apply.
                                                              DoD 358

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Combs, Richard <richard.combs at<mailto:richard.combs at>> wrote:
Alison Craig wrote:

> I received my translated book back from the LSP complete with TOC,
> seemed to be fine.
> After tweaking the formatting in 10 chapters and 7 Appendices, then
> in the correct Variables file I tried to Update the TOC (and all
> Cross-references, Text Insets and OLE links).
Umm... should you really be doing this? I'm no expert on handling
translations (that's someone else's job), so maybe I'm off base. But
when we get translated books back, we generally make no changes to the
translated files (oh, occasionally there's a doc number to correct or
something like that), we just PDF them as is. (For Hebrew, the vendor
even supplies the PDF, since they have to port the RTL languages to

> Instead of 6 pages of proper TOC it generated less than one page of
> seems to be page numbers only. I have consulted the Manual and
> FrameMaker book to no avail.
In the bad TOC file, select View > Reference Pages. Find the TOC
specification -- it's in a text frame with the flow name "TOC," and it
contains paragraphs that have tag names like the headings included in
the TOC, but with a "TOC" suffix (e.g., "Heading1TOC"). It sounds like
each of those pgfs contains only the page number variable (<$pagenum>).

Now find the TOC spec in the ref pages of a good TOC and compare it to
the bad TOC spec. It may look more like this:

       <$chapnum>      <$paratext>                      <$pagenum>
(there are tabs in there, including a leader tab in front of <$pagenum>)

If that's the situation, try this: Copy all the text in the good TOC
specification and replace all the text in the bad TOC specification with
it. Then update/regenerate.

If I'm completely off base regarding the situation or that doesn't solve
the problem, try spending some quality time in the "Tables of Contents"
section of the help/manual. Even if you can't figure it out, a better
understanding of TOCs in FM might help you describe the situation in
more detail.

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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