Nancy Allison wrote:

> I'm using FrameMaker 7.1 in XP SP3.
> All of a sudden, when I update my book, I'm getting error messages that say
> "condition indicator for FM8_Track_Changes_added is inconsistent."
> Since? I'm not using FM8, and FM7 does not have change tracking, I assume
> that this is some recent addition that got through the usually abortive
> updates that I periodically receive.
> Can I clean it out somehow?
> (I have belatedly switched "check for updates" in the Preferences to
> "Never," but somehow I've got to get this particular horse back into the
> barn.)

This has nothing to do with software updates. "FM8_Track_Changes_added" is just 
the name of a condition. My guess is that it was inadvertently imported into 
one of your files from some other FM file. 

You can create an index of references (IOR) that includes condition tags to see 
if and where this one is used. But it may not actually be applied to anything. 
In that case, you'll just have to cycle through all the files in your book 
while the Conditional Text dialog is open. 

Assuming you want to get rid of it, when you find a file with that tag listed, 
select the tag, click Edit Condition Tag, and click Delete. 

Or get the Clean Import plug-in from and import conditions from 
a file that has only the ones you want. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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