On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 13:53:49 -0500, "David Spreadbury" 
<dspreadb at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Searching for "framemaker grep" brought what might be a 
>source for using GREP with Adobe products. Apparently it 
>is not limited to FrameMaker. Try reading what is available 
>at http://carijansen.com/. If this doesn't help, maybe 
>contacting the author, Cari Jansen, in Perth, Australia, 
>would provide the answers.

Interesting site; thanks, David!

However, regarding GREP, after searching her site it seems 
FrameMaker users are SOL:

  InDesign CS3 introduced the ability to perform GREP 
  Find/Changes, making it easier for us to apply 
  character styles to text pattern strings such as 
  ?all text? between parentheses.  InDesign CS4 
  introduces the ability to lock this pattern based 
  application of character styles into your Paragraph 


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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