Thanks for the correction, Jeremy. I seemed to recall it wrong!

I didn't see a reason or purpose the original poster had in mind to
combine the book component files into a single FrameMaker file. If we
knew more about the goal, perhaps we could suggest other workable



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 09:40:11 -0500, Peter Gold
> <peter at> wrote:
>>I seem to recall something like that is available, possibly
>>free, from You may have to export all to MIF first.
> Sorry, we don't do that. ?What you may be thinking of
> is exporting a Frame book to a single Word file. ?We
> think that's a Very Bad Idea (for most books, the file
> would be too large for Word to open), but it is possible.
> And actually, the same method could be used for what
> Yves wants; it's just not automatic.
> The basic idea is to create a new Frame document, then
> import each document in the book into it by reference
> as an inset. ?For Word, you then convert that "wrapper"
> document; but you could just as well use it in Frame.
> If you wanted, you could convert all the insets to text
> in Frame too, so that the wrapper file had no dependencies
> on the original files. ?Just double-click in any inset,
> and in the dialog choose All Text Insets and click Convert.
> Note that there can be problems with this whole idea,
> in addition to the obvious size one. ?For example, the
> numbering may not be the same; the book file controls
> the chapter numbering, and if it is gone, the numbering
> will revert to whatever the wrapper chapter is set up for.
> So every chapter may be numbered "1"...
> A Framescript to do the basic combining would be simple.
> It's the cleanup that can't really be automated. ?;-)
> HTH!
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
> ?<jeremy at> ?

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