Hi All, 
   Thank you for all the suggestions.  My first thought was to change the file 
name as noted by many of you. 
I was checking to see if there was a tag I was missing, as suggested by 
I went ahead and changed the filename, since I wanted the name of the file to 
match the name of the title page. 

  I treasure all the help from this forum. 

Thanks again and have a great weekend. 

Sue Curtzwiler 
susancu at vmc.com


From: Stuart Rogers [mailto:srog...@phoenix-geophysics.com]
Sent: Thu 10/22/2009 10:43 AM
To: Susan Curtzwiler
Cc: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com; framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Tile page with new version number

Susan Curtzwiler wrote:
> Hi all I am using FMKR 7.0 on Vista Enterprise
> Would someone please share how to get the revision number from the
> title page to change in the title in the list on the book file?
> For example: Book File partial list
> C:|Users/alias\docs\NameofBook_3.1_20091022 3.0 Title Page.fm
> Front_Matter.fm ABC_NameofBook_3.1_200901022TOC.fm Preface.fm Ho to
> Use Book.fm
> So  -- how do I get the first line to change to 3.1 Title Page.fm

Others have pointed out that you are viewing file names and must rename
the file to meet your objective.  But perhaps all you really want is to
see the first heading in each file instead of the file name?  In the
book window, there are four icons in the lower right; the leftmost of
them toggles between file names and headings in the list of book contents.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

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your words."

-- Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)

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