
Yes, your assessment of Archive is correct.

I was following the thread that once you have the application
archived, you can more easily recreate the directory structure with
the already-moved insets just by plopping the insets into your
existing directory structure. Then drop the FM files into the same
relative position and you're done.

I've done it a score of times, at least, and it works fine, although
there may be some gotchas in your environment that would preclude
using it.


Art Campbell
               art.campbell at gmail.com
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                      No disclaimers apply.
                                                               DoD 358

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Fei Min Lorente
<FeiMin.Lorente at onsemi.com> wrote:
> Thanks to Shmuel (search and replace in MIF) and Rick (FrameScript) for
> their suggestions. As I suspected, though, this won't be a trivial
> change. We have a release coming up next month, so I think I had better
> postpone this move until next time around.
> Art, my apologies for not being clearer. I want to move the text inset
> source files, not my manuals. I've looked at the Archive Plug-In, and it
> looks like it moves the entire manual, and it copies the text insets
> into a subdirectory. Let me know if I'm mistaken.
> Fei Min
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shmuel Wolfson [mailto:shmuelw1 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:33 AM
> To: Fei Min Lorente
> Subject: Re: Moving my text inset source
> You can save them as MIF and do a global search and replace withing the
> MIF for the path to the text insets.
> Fei Min Lorente wrote:
>> I'm using FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows XP, and I have FrameScript.
>> I'm looking for ideas on the easiest way to resolve the text inset
>> references if I move the source files. I have about 150 files all
>> together, divided up among about 40 folders. The text insets are
>> unstructured, although most of them are on a master page of structured
>> files (if that makes a difference).
>> Any suggestions would be appreciated; thanks.
>> Fei Min
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Fei Min Lorente
>> Senior Technical Communicator
>> Medical Division
>> ON Semiconductor
>> feimin.lorente at onsemi.com
>> +1 519 884 9696 ext 2297 | office
>> +1 519 831 4931 | mobile
>> +1 519 884 0228 | fax
>> http://www.onsemi.com <http://www.onsemi.com/>
>> -------------------------------------------------------
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