Hi Shlomo,

Let me echo Carol's thanks to you. We've been experiencing this
irritating bug in 9.0 and had read that we could no longer manually
adjust tabs on the ruler but must do so in the Pgf Designer, which was
bothersome. Your workaround is a great time-saver. We've tested it
several times and it is solid. Now all we have to do is remember to
ensure that the Basic tab is active. ;~)


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Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 1:00 PM
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Subject: framers Digest, Vol 54, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Paragraph Designer freezes (Carol J. Elkins)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:56:47 -0600
From: "Carol J. Elkins" <celk...@awrittenword.com>
To: Shlomo Perets <shlomo2 at microtype.com>,framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Paragraph Designer freezes
Message-ID: <20100404185659.CFD8B3061FA at mail.beyondprint.com>
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Hi Shlomo,

So far, five people has responded to my email indicating that they, 
too, experience this problem with some regularity.  Neither they nor 
I have been able to identify any specific sequence that triggers the 
freeze. However, yours is the first information I've received that 
suggests a workaround. Like you, I know for sure that it freezes when 
I'm adjusting tab stops with the ruler. I will pay attention to what 
set of properties is displayed when the freeze happens. If I can 
avoid a freeze by keeping Basic properties on top, that would be very 
helpful. Thanks for the suggestion, Shlomo.


At 12:15 AM 4/4/2010, Shlomo Perets wrote:
>You wrote:
>>Frame 9.0p250 on Win7 64-bit with 12 whopping GB of RAM
>>Is anyone besides me experiencing a total freeze on the paragraph
>>designer (e.g., can't move from one property icon to another property
>>icon; can't apply; can't update all, etc.). This just started
>>happening a couple of weeks ago. It is resolved by closing down Frame
>>and restarting the program. Within a few minutes, the problem returns.
>>Very annoying and time consuming, especially while I am designing
>>templates. Any ideas?
>This problem was quite common with early releases of FM9.0.
>Can you identify any specific sequence that leads to this freeze?
>With the latest patch for FM9 (9.0p250), I consistently have this 
>problem when adjusting tab stops or indents using the ruler, with 
>the paragraph designer showing any set of properties other than 
>Basic.  I usually prefer to set/adjust tabs visually, then Update 
>All (using the paragraph designer or through a keyboard shortcut). 
>Until this bug is fixed, switching the paragraph designer to the 
>Basic set of properties first, before adjusting tabs/indents using 
>the ruler, consistently serves as a workaround.


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End of framers Digest, Vol 54, Issue 5

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