And all the people who report bugs with Frame 9 are lying? Have they
finally fixed the issue where you can't use cross-reference in text

Have they fixed text insets so they don't bleed into the following paragraph?

Ah, not to worry. As long as the pods are up all is well in the world.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Mike Wickham <info at> wrote:
>> You should post this where it has a chance of doing some good, on the
>> Adobe forum. My understanding is that Frame 9 was developed entirely
>> overseas, safely away from anyone who might give them adverse but
>> useful feedback.
>> It's a big company thing to do: play up the window dressing without
>> fussing too much with anything else.
> I wouldn't call it window dressing. I work with a lot of graphics in my
> documents. The Anchored Frame dialog, Object Properties, Runaround
> Properties other other dialogue boxes can now stay on screen for easy
> access. The Inset pod lists all graphics in a document and makes it easy to
> jump to them. There's also a Fonts pod that lists fonts in a document and
> makes it easy to substitute different fonts. You can set up workspaces that
> display only the panels/pods you want and change workspaces with a click.
> And more.
> I sure wouldn't besmirch the gang in India for their work on FM. Look at all
> the changes they've made in versions 8.0 and 9.0.-- like Unicode, for
> starters. ?Compared to when development was in the U.S., you can see things
> happening. I've been using FM since version 6.0. Versions 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2
> were so little different that few upgraded. If you didn't use DITA, there
> wasn't much sense in it. And when we've reported bugs, the Indian gang has
> actually responded, worked with us, and fixed most of them. They've been
> quiet lately. No doubt they've been busy reading the next new version. Based
> on past cycles, it's due out anytime. I look forward to it.
> Mike Wickham
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Steve Johnson, dr_gonzo at

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