Hi Rob,

What happens if you use plain Arial in Word, does that have the same result?
Note that in your mail message the character is also not available.

Normally in Windows 7 you should use Arial - that's fully Unicode (or any
other Open Type Unicode font). I guess Arial Unicode is an old font that was
used in previous windows versions that did not support Unicode natively. It
may have different character encoding.

Best way to paste Unicode text from Word into Framemaker is to use Paste
Special and then choose Unicode or RTF. 


Kind regards, vriendelijke groet,

Wim Hooghwinkel

iDTP - Technical Communication Consultant

Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in FrameMaker

tel. +31652036811
Skype wimhooghwinkel
Twitter @idtp @NLDITA
 <mailto:info at idtp.eu> info at idtp.eu 
FrameMaker support: framemaker at idtp.eu

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