Am 07.12.2010 um 16:52 schrieb Rick Quatro:

> Is anyone aware of a tool for converting MIF files to SVG? My client has a
> mix of imported graphics and FrameMaker objects in their anchored frames. We
> can preserve them by using MIF for the anchored frame content when saving to
> XML, but now they want to see if the MIF representation of the graphics,
> etc., can be converted to SVG. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I have done some work in this direction, both using FrameScript from "inside" 
FrameMaker documents as well as externally after turning FrameMaker files with 
Leximation?s MIFML converter in to MIF-as-XML. I then used XSLT to create SVG.

But: SVG has no real support for text frames, just text lines. Also, as far as 
I remember, I stopped creating a converter for Arc objects, because the graphic 
model is very different between FrameMaker (where you can rotate any object as 
you like) and SVG.

So, yes, it is possible with some limitations.

- Michael

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