Jon Harvey wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out a way to create an X-Ref format that says "See
> 'Dogs' {or whatever} below" if the X-Ref and the target 'Dogs' are both
> on the same page. I'd like FM to recognize that they are on the same
> page so that, if 'Dogs' moves to the next page, the X-Ref automatically
> adjusts to read "See 'Dogs' on page xx". Is there any way to do this
> without creating two X-Ref style and manually changing from one to the
> other?

Do you really feel that this adds significant value to your docs? At each of 
the last four companies I've worked for, the trend was to reduce or eliminate 
this kind of "geographic" cue. But maybe that would have been different if 
numbered headings, captions, and table titles hadn't been the house style in 
each case...

-Fred Ridder

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