Barbara Zeller asked:

> What is the best way to import flow charts from Visio (.vsd) into FrameMaker?
> I'm getting some pretty fuzzy results. I am working in Frame 7.2. Would
> appreciate any tips.

Save As .wmf (or .emf) from Visio, then File>Import>File into FrameMaker.

Or else Print to PDF from Visio, and File>Import>File into FrameMaker.

Inserting the Visio figures as OLE objects works well for some users, but can 
cause issues downstream.

The one thing you shoud definitely avoid is saving the Visio figures in any 
sort of raster image format (TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF, or especially JPEG, which is 
lossy as well as rasterized).

-Fred Ridder

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