Jim Owens wrote:
> Syed.Hosain at aeris.net wrote:
> > I saved those two files in MIF format and searched for "FFamily" and
> > only see the following unique entries for font familes:
> > 
> That search may not have been definitive. According to the MIF
Reference (MIF Document Statements > Character Formats > PgfFont and
Font statements > Font name),

> "a Framemaker product identifies the fonrt in one or more of the
following ways" referring to the statements FPlatformName, FFamily, and
FPostcriptName. Perhaps the missing name is referenced in another

Thank you! You are absolutely correct. I found the source of the problem
based on your e-mail.

One of the MIF font structures showed the "FFamily" as Arial, but within
the *same* MIF font element, it listed the "FPostcriptName" as
"ArialMT". In another file, the "FFamily" was "Arial, but the
"FPostcriptName" was garbled.

Changing both those to "Arial" allows me to read the files in without
errors and then do the update.

Of course, now I have the content and index file generation problem, but
I will tackle that tomorrow - got other stuff to do right now.

Thanks much again!


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