I was noodling around on the web yesterday and came across various posts (with 
various dates) of an article by Dr. Ugur Akinci on FM's "Pending" Marker 
option, eg,:


The problem is, "Pending" doesn't seem to be one of the Markers available in 
FM9. I could always create my own "Pending" Marker but I wondered if I was 
simply missing something. Does anyone know if this Marker has been removed in 
the latest versions of Frame?


PS: Strangely enough, neither the FM9 PDF manual nor the Scriptorium 
Unstructured FM8 PDF manual seem to have a complete list of the Markers 
available in the product. They talk about specific ones when appropriate to a 
specific topic, but they don't include a definitive list (unless it's hiding 
under a title that doesn't contain the words "Marker Type").

Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
E-mail: alison.craig at ultrasonix.com<mailto:alison.craig at ultrasonix.com>

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