On Jul 24, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Dr Rick Smith wrote:

> In any case, let me ask how others are running PC versions of Frame on the 
> Mac. For a while I wondered why so many people still use Frame 7, but I 
> assume it's because lots of people still run it on a Mac. 

Not the case. I use Frame 7 on a PC and a Mac for personal stuff.

I prefer Frame 7 because I find the Frame 9 interface cloying, annoying, a 
strain on the eyes and harder to use.   

I presume the new FM9 look and the pods were designed by fashionable people in 
Adobe marketing and corporate graphics with little or no user feedback before 
it was dumped on the market.

I realize that SW companies need a revenue stream.  I would be much happier 
paying an annual fee for using solid SW (even after purchasing it) rather than 
endure new releases with added features of marginal value and tarted up 

This remark holds for MS as well as Adobe.

Will White - obviously disaffected FM9 user

Frink: Well, sure, the Frinkiac-7 looks impressive, don't 
           touch it, but I predict that within 100 years, computers 
           will be twice as powerful, 10,000 times larger, and so 
           expensive that only the five richest kings of Europe will 
           own them.
Apu:   Could it be used for dating?

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