My apologies to the list about the sloppy subject line. I was dozing off by
the time I was completing the post, but wanted to send it before I took a
siesta. Look what happened. That teaches me a lesson...

  - avi

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Avraham Makeler <amakeler at> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   RE: FM72. Tool to quickly makes loads of cross-refs?
> I just a received some whole new sections for updating an FM book. The book
> is a large reference guide for an API. Every other word in the new material
> is in fact the name of some software object (function, structure, or type)
> that's defined somewhere else as its own section. The new material talks
> about those already defined software objects and how to use them. So the SME
> wants every mentioning of those already defined software objects to be
> converted to a cross-reference. (Anyone who has documented APIs knows what I
> am talking about.) Is there some sort of tool that allows you to type+select
> the name of the section (function) or even just its legal number and then
> click, and hey presto, the cross-reference appears?
> Once, during a slow period, I programmed exactly that tool for Word using
> VBA. Took me about a week. Works great.
>      - avi



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