>> you have text objects turned on, right?

You mean FM7.2 Menu > View > View Options > Text Symbols ?

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Art Campbell <art.campbell at gmail.com>wrote:

> First, if I were you, I'd resist this. I think it's unnecessary and could
> become a potential maintenance nightmare. The SME seems to be under the
> impression that if a reader, probably another coder, will forget what a
> basic programming object is in less than 90 seconds... If the SME forgets,
> there may be a reason to do it, but if he or she can hold on to the concept
> for an hour or so, your readers probably can.
> If I had to do this, I'd probably use a glossary entry for these because
> they are, in fact, definitions and glossary entries are lighter weight.
> With all that said, if you must do this, you _should_ be able to define one
> of the cross-refs and embed it with its text string hotspot. Then copy the
> word, including the cross-ref marker (you have text objects turned on,
> right?) and do a search-and-replace for the text string, pasting from the
> clipboard.
> Art Campbell
>            art.campbell at gmail.com
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and
> a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>                                                      No disclaimers apply.
>                                                               DoD 358
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Avraham Makeler <amakeler at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  RE: FM72. Tool to quickly makes loads of cross-refs?
>> I just a received some whole new sections for updating an FM book. The
>> book
>> is a large reference guide for an API. Every other word in the new
>> material
>> is in fact the name of some software object (function, structure, or type)
>> that's defined somewhere else as its own section. The new material talks
>> about those already defined software objects and how to use them. So the
>> SME
>> wants every mentioning of those already defined software objects to be
>> converted to a cross-reference. (Anyone who has documented APIs knows what
>> I
>> am talking about.) Is there some sort of tool that allows you to
>> type+select
>> the name of the section (function) or even just its legal number and then
>> click, and hey presto, the cross-reference appears?
>> Once, during a slow period, I programmed exactly that tool for Word using
>> VBA. Took me about a week. Works great.
>> TIA
>>     - avi
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