Andersen, Verner wrote: 

> How do I reduce the dimension of the screen shot to make it print within
> the marigins? Do I resize or do I change the dpi settings?
> Of course I still want the scren shot to print fine on my 600 dpi
> printer

I always set the dpi upon import. Since FM shows the pixel dimensions and the 
resulting sizes for some standard dpi options, it's easy to calculate an 
appropriate dpi setting for the space available. I was taught that for best 
printing results, use a dpi setting that's evenly divisible into the printer 
dpi. So, for 600 dpi output, a setting of 120 or 150 dpi would be preferable to 
a setting of 135 dpi. 

If you have to change the scaling of an already-imported picture, be sure to do 
so using the Scaling controls in the Object Properties dialog, not the mouse. 
Resizing a bitmap graphic by dragging is a sure way to destroy the quality. If 
you're optimizing for a printer, not the screen, it's best to modify the dpi 
(using the rule of thumb I mentioned above) instead of the scaling percentage. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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