Hi, all. I'm using FrameMaker 10 on a Windows 7 system with mif2go and  HTML 
Help Workshop.

I can only activate the Next button in my .chm file. I've followed the 
instructions in sections 8.3.3 and 8.3.4 in the mif2go user guide and, of Next, 
Prev, Back, and Forward, only Next is activated!

My HHP file looks like this:

Binary Index=No
Binary TOC=Yes
Compatibility=1.1 or later
Compiled file=SupportOnlineHelp.chm
Contents file=SupportOnlineHelp.hhc
Default Font=Arial,8,0
Default Window=main
Default topic=Welcome.htm
Display compile progress=No
Full-text search=Yes
Index file=SupportOnlineHelp.hhk
Language=0x409 English (United States)
Title=Support Help

In the HTML Help Workshop "Window Types" window, "Buttons" tab, I've selected 
Back, Forward, Next, and Prev, among others.

Why is only the Next button being activated? What am I missing?

Thanks very much.


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